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DonbassTour CSI5* 2012
"Donbass Equicentre" hosted the first CSI5*-W tournament in Ukraine. 34 riders from 16 countries were fighting for the Grand Prix of Donbass Tour 2012.
William Funnell, a 46 year old British rider (RR 31), with his Billy Congo became the winners of the Grand Prix. Max Kuhner (RR 92) finished in runner-up spot and Edwina Tops-Alexander (RR 11) took the third place.
It was the first time that 17 year old representative of Donbass Equicentre Alisa Danilova competed among the true legends of show jumping. Together with La Bomba they put in a good performance in the total ranking of the tournament. Alisa Danilova is currently being trained by Piet Raijmakers, Dutch Olympic champion of 1992.
The jury was headed by Caezar Von Walzel, while the course-designer of the show was Frank Rothenberger. Jan Tops, Global Champions Tour president, was among the honoured guests of the tournament.
Participants and guests of Donbass Tour appreciated the 5 star level of the event to its true value: the show ground of the highest quality as well as the cordial welcome of Donetsk audience that wholeheartedly and emotionally cheered for their favorites. The OC of the competition provided additional entertainment for the visitors. Apart from unforgettable and exciting jumping tournament, they were shown an astonishing performance of a world-famous vaulting star Lorenzo and his 12 white Lusitano horses. Each year the tournament gains more popularity, the amount of prize money is growing and the number of participants and people interested in this amazing equestrian sport increases. Donbass Tour turned into a great tradition which improves with every year of its existence.
Julia Vileyskaya
Media about DONBASS TOUR
10.09.2012This September issue of Forbes magazine in Ukraine contains an article devoted to Donbass Tour 2012 CSI5* held at Donbass Equicentre from 31 August till 2 September. The article is entitled "Ukrainian Pride on a Global Scale".
07.11.2010On October 22 24 the equestrienne of Donbass Equicentre team performed in the tournament of CSI*4 category which was carried out in Cayenne, France.
24.10.2010On October 22-24 in the territory of Zhashkov stud farm there were held the International jumping competitions CSI**. The pupil of Donbass Equicentre Alisa Danilova is one of the most perspective equestrienne of Ukraine performed in the tournament on three horses: Accounter, Travano and Dionysus.
08.10.2010On October 8, 2010 the World Equestrian Games, the main international equestrian sport tournament, were finished in the USA. Ukraine delegated three its equestrians to Kentucky, one of which is Katarina Offel - the representative of Donbass Equicentre team.
07.08.2010One of the leading dressage sportswomen of вDonbass Equicentreв Olga Gerasimenko won bronze of Senior Equestrians Ukrainian Championship.